Saturday, March 26, 2011

CS every night

SR20's CS Drift

VDF,TCD & Cyclone convert to DRB style!

Kunnyz Direzza Jzx100 vs Street Jzx100

CS 2.043 on VDF

Just the DB'D's major event at IT & Education Fair indoor stadium hosted by learning edge event managment with Db RT

Db RT would not like to forget special thanks to GrooveArchitects especially
Alim ( Dub Ali) & Fee De' Noche for their kind support at our event which
held last year at Indoor Stadium Carpark.

The President- The master of colour mixing scheme...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

TA05-VDF ltd edition CS ratio 2.0+ :1

VDF CS ratio 2.0 plus plus plus:1

Front Pulley 39/center 14 = 2.785
Rear Pulley 30/center 22 = 1.363
Cs Ratio: 2.043

Friday, March 18, 2011

DIY CS Gear Ratio Mod 1:2.0, DIY Steering Column, Chamber and Caster adjuster Mod

Using 22T center pulley belt driven to the rear solid 22T pulley drive-train.
Original rear belting (TRF415msxx) is used and were tighten by a pulley tensioner
to make it secure. Front pulley is using the original 38T and connected to a 16T
center pulley.

Steering columns were moved further apart from its original location. A wide plastic
linkage were custom made. Ball connectors then links to the front knuckle arm resulting
an equal parallel steering turn that can reached 45 degs angle of turn (currently
measuring 40 degs by HUDY Setup board).

Notice the chamber angle (currently measuring 10 degs) and can exceed to 14 degs

Notice the degree in angle of the caster (currently measuring 9 degs).
Original C-hubs were removed & were replaced by Ball studs screwed to the upper part
knuckle arms. The cut bottom part of the original plastic C-hubs is used back as kingpin

Monday, March 7, 2011

Countersteer Era for DbRT is NOW!

We at DbRT are the official member of RCDA R/C Drift Alliance for Brunei Darussalam. The are of countersteer is new to us in Brunei and started more than a year ago. Started by Kevin a local drifter, He has influence a few drifters on the usage of CS and he is very well known to DIY his own Rc. DbRT have learnt alot from him and despite Brunei drift local race are still using the Drift battle, Drift point, Time Attack and also Drift Touring system, DbRT members have used CS setups to go in a few of our local tournament and so far some of our members on CS have even qualified and even stand in the Top 8 despite going against 50/50 setups or Rally type drifting/ Power slides, etc. Even in the upcoming future, DbRT will use the CS setup for almost all tournaments. 50/50 isnt a bad thing actually but then one will have to go to the next level. This is what we call improving and going one step above the noral drifts as CS is considered an advance level. We hope more will follow suite as CS is the real drift deal!!!

RCDA International competition rules

Competition Judges
There should be proper panel of judges for all drifting competitions to ensure highest possible
fairness in passing results. Proper in terms of qualified and experienced, satisfying all requirements
sets by RCDA.

The judge panel consists of:
- 1 main judge
- 2 assisting judges

The roles
- Main Judge
Ensuring the decision making process of undertaking round is within guidelines set.
Summing up the result made by the panel.
- Assisting Judge
To provide 2nd and 3rd view for panel decision either to contest or affirm the result in both qualifying (IQS) and battle rounds (EBS).

Judging Guidelines


Entry speed
Although speed in drift would probably very limited, participants are expected to push their drift speed
as high as possible.

Drift Line
There will be briefing by the judges to show what is to be expected from the participants in regards to
preferred drift line.

Clipping Point
Also known as scoring area, the closer to the boundary, the higher the score. Other elements will be judged as well.
Clipping point could be front side/corner or rear side/wall.

Drift angle and counter steer
How much angle is being created and maintained during the drift.
Maximum angle define is 90º, penalties will be given to washout or when the car's rear moving ahead of the front.

How much technique and amount of energy without putting opponent in dangerous situation.
Stunt driving will not be considered as technique.

Qualification Scoring

For Competition with IQS, each driver will be awarded with 100pts initial score.
Each and every imperfection will warrant penalty or deduction.
Drifter with lesser penalty will qualify higher. A perfect run is 100 points.

Rules for Qualifying in IQS
Each driver will be given 2 laps in which to make a qualifying run. Drivers will run the course alone.
The drift elements will be judged during the qualification run, with points deducted from 100, depending
on the severity of the infringement.


Basically Battle Round will consists of Offensive (chasing) and Defensive (leading) role.
The cars will be placed in staggered position, separate by about one car length distance.

The Offensive Car
The offensive car when Tsuiso drifting is the chasing car. A good way to put it would be that the chasing car has to 'hunt' down the leading car. Drivers have to use their drifting ability to try and get as close to the leading driver as possible as to put immense pressure on them so that a mistake is made. The chasing driver must demonstrate better drifting in order to keep pressure on the leading driver whilst still keeping good angle and speed. The driving line is not as important for the chasing car as it is trying to follow the lead car and keep with it as much as possible, unless the lead car displays a bad driving then and then chasing car can continue to hit the clipping points and show a good drifting line. If the chasing car cannot keep up with the lead car whilst drifting this is to be looked at as inferior driving and points will be deducted for letting the lead car get away. If this is due to not having as much power as the lead car, there are certain measures you can take to increase your speed such as decreasing your drifting angle although this may play against your point scoring. Under no circumstances can the chasing car come in contact with the lead car in a way that disturbs the lead car's driving. Any crashes of this manner will result in a Judges decision as to whether the Tsuiso is to be run again or the 'victim' car going through to the next round automatically. Overtaking is allowed but not necessarily supported by the judges and under no circumstances must the cars start 'racing' as this is going against the idea of drifting.

The Defensive Car
When a driver takes the lead in a Tsuiso battle the idea is to perform their drifts faster with a good line and a bigger angle to try and shake off and distract the car behind them. If the leading driver does manage to pull away from the car behind and still manage to display good drifting technique then they will be awarded more points. Attempts to distract the chasing car whilst still maintaining a good line will also be looked at by the judges and could affect the final score in a positive or negative way.
It's important to understand that the concepts discussed in this article are general guidelines for scoring the drift events and are meant to educate the competitors and general. They do not provide a guarantee of results and should not be used to compare to results from drift competitions. Drifting is still a subjective competition and the judges at an event are the final authority. Their decision is therefore final.

Each driver awarded with 5 points each before the run.
Depending on advantage-disadvantage of each participants, judges will give their result.
for example:
10-0 total advantage (opponent crashed or spinned)
7-3 a lot amount of advantage
6-4 good amount of advantage
5.5-4.5 slight amount of advantage
5-5 equal advantage

Case Study

1.Passing / Overtaking

1.1 The aim of the driver at the back is NOT to overtake, but to mimic the lead driver.
Overtaking should not be encouraged, and only allowed if the situation safely permits, such as leading car
spins or goes wide or out of the drift recommended line. The judge have to decide afterwards whether the passing
is done within the guidelines or not (hence giving the advantage or re run).

1.2 Overtaking will not be seen as necessary to win a heat.
If the passing car is next to the passed car in ANY way, the driver in front must leave room.
A pass must not hinder the passed drivers speed dramatically.

2. Speed, Angle, Clipping points.

2.1 Speed
2.1.1 Jerky movements, e.g. car "pauses" during drift will be penalized.
2.1.2 Washout: loss of speed due to coming into the corner too fast will be penalized.
2.1.3 Half Spinning: (similar to above) basically going offline and losing speed .

2.2 Angle
2.2.1 Drifting with max angle possible is IMPERATIVE.
2.2.2 Drivers will be penalised for shallow angles in big angle transition areas.
2.2.4 Straight lining (zero angle) is not allowed. Drivers must ALWAYS be in drift mode.

3. Clipping Points & Others
3.1 The closer driver is to the corner and walls, the more they will score. Bonus points will be awarded for spectacularly close to clipping points.
3.2 One spin and one hit against a wall is allowed per heat. Drivers will still be penalised for this though, however they can still claw their way back into a battle.
3.3 The driver at the back is generally responsible for a collision (there are MANY factors here, and each collision will be reviewed individually).
3.4 Drivers have to push their cars to the ULTIMATE limit and be spectacular. If the drifting is boring, clinical and within the car and driver’s limits, points will be deducted.
3.5 If drivers get separated, then they will be judged individually. It is still the following driver’s job to mimic.

Penalties and Bonus Summary
Drivers have to push their cars to the ULTIMATE limit and be spectacular.
Extra points may be awarded for stellar performance.


- Severe
Hitting a wall or spinning (depending on the severity of the collision or spin): 5 to 10 pts

- Mediocre
Half Spinning: (similar to above) basically rear start to overtaking the front and losing speed: 3 to 5 pts.
Straight-lining. 3 to 5 pts
If the drifting is considered clinical and within the car and driver’s limits: 3 to 5 pts

- Light
Shallow angles in “big angle transition areas” : 1 to 3 pts.
Washout: loss of speed due to coming into the corner too fast: 1 to 3 pts.
Jerky movements, e.g. car "pauses" during drift 1 to 3 pts.

Bonus/Extra Points
Spectacular confident non correction lining, close clipping to corner/wall: +1 to 3 points


Autodrift open competition

Autodrift Open Competition
Venue : Woodland Blk 524A, Dr 14 Multi-Purpose Hall
Date : 20 March 2011 (Sunday)
Time : 10am to 6pm
Entry Fees : S$20 (Include tires)

Basic Rules:
1. Open to any 1/10th scale Electric Powered On-Road Car Chassis.
2. Body Shell – Open.
3. Batteries - Not more than 7.4Volt.
4. Close Tires - Auto Drift Tires (Pro Grip or Super Grip - to be advise).
5. No drift assist device is allowed.
6. All are welcome as long as your car can drift.

Body Shell Competition : Open to Yokomo Body Shell Only.
AutoDrift point system will be applied.

Thank you.
Autodrift Pte Ltd
Blk 465, Crawford Lane #01-06, Crawford Court, Singapore 190465.
Mon-Fri: 11:00am~7:30pm, Sat: 11:00am~6:00pm, Close on Sun & Public Holiday Email: /
Contact: 65 6299 4795 / 65 6299 5695 / HP: 65 8155 8112 Facebook: yokomo singapore

Team Magic E4D

Team Magic E4D EP 1/10 Drift RC