DbRT President 'Aboyakuza' decide to go for the insanely high ratio cs on his TRF415MSXX Marc Reinhard edition. Utilising the pulleys which is 38(F)/16(FC) and 22T(R)/38(RC), his ratio from 2.37 to 3.45!! From his comment, it takes real control and set up of the cambers,ride height etc to mantain it to countersteer properly. However at long sliders, he has the advantage over the lower cs but will spin too much on the rear out of the corners. Front belting maintain while rear is using the X-ray belting. Going against the other chassis with the same ration would be great but advantages still hold on as his 2.37 is miraculosly easy to control. DIY! Way to go Aboyakuza!
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