Monday, November 7, 2011

Fadyll has proven himself... KL, YIDM has come to an end..

Further update on the YIDM event... Dyll Moses has proven himself worthy emerging 10th in the event. DbRT members are so proud of his latest feat because getting in the top 16 is not as easy as it looks.

Group photo of the top 16 drifters.

Goodies... we waaant...

The trophy... Kudos to Dyll Moses...

One of a kind motor...

Brunei's Drift Team

Ini brand ada bagus punya bah... pasti happy punya...

A real D1-suit!!!

Takahiro Ueno: Teruskan usaha Dyll... steady dah tu mainan mu atu...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Update on Yokomo International Drift Meet event

Yokomo International Drift Meet starts yesterday 4th November 2011. Attracting participants from countries such as Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Philippines, Indonesia and of course Malaysia.

Them taking a pic with the legend himself.. Mr. Masami Hirosaka.

5 Bruneian drifters will be participating in this awesome event namely Lobo, G-Birin, Mamatkubo from Drift-tech, Dyll Moses from DbRT and Alvin from Kawanria Team.

Put your hands from side to side and say haaay ooowwhh!!!

The main judge is 14 times IFMAR champian Mr.Masaki Hirosaka and professional D1-Driver Takahiro Ueno.

Dylls drift machine ready to rock n roll...
The Battle Field

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Warga Indonesia peluk agama Islam.

Congratulations to Mr Muhammad.Farhin bin Abdul Rahman Herianto Kusumo previously known as Harsono Herianto Kusumo and famously known as Ahoy, who recently converted to Islam. The event was held on the 30th October 2011, in Kampung Panchor Murai. Among present to witness the event was Menteri Perhubungan, Negara Brunei Darussalam, Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Hamzah Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Abdullah bin Begawan Mudim Dato Paduka Haji Bakar.

DbRTs members were there too to give their full support to Farhin...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mad chambers do play an important role in
Counter-Steer RC Drifting.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Official DbRT Counter-Steer RC Drifting Music Video (Hi-Res)