Friday, April 22, 2011

Db D1:10 Drift challenge track of the past

The main sweeper of Db D1:10 Drift challenge II 2010

No straight lines on the 'S' Chicane before the overhead sweeper where you gotta slide sideways on it to avoid point deduction. Successful sideways drifting on the overhead sweeper will give extra points!

Db D1:10 Drift challenge I 2009

Consisting of very tight technical corners on very hard compound tyre DS F2 on tiles, the track consist of a long sweeper headind to the overhead bridge while moving down the bridge it will head towards the quater pipe turn and below the overhead bridge a sharp u-turn which makes visibility to slide around it needs precise timing and line.

Even the underbridge is a challenge as view is very minimal heading towards the U-turn

Waiting for DB Drift challenge III?? LOL! Ask the comitee and if there is a challenge, you know the track is gonna be more challenging than ever. Cheers!

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